Tasca De España

Indian Spanish


Sopa De Ajo

Garlic soup


Crema De Champiñones

Cream of mushrooms

Platos Frios‏

Ensalada Brisas

Salad, tomato, lettuce, tuna, eggs, anchovies, potatoes

Ensalada De Esparragos a La Vinagreta

Asparagus salad with vinaigrette dressing

Salmón Ahumado Con Guarnición

Smoked salmon with capers and diced onions

Plato Pricipal

Calamares Fritos

Fried calamari

Camarones Al Ajillo

Shrimp with garlic sautéed

Cazuelita Mixta

Thin sausage, shrimps and mushrooms sautéed

Chopitos Fritos

Fried baby squids

Chuleta De Ternera Estilo Avila

Grilled veal chop

Chuletinas De Cordero a La Parrilla

Grilled lamb‏ chop

Chuleton De Buey a La Parrilla -24 Oz -

Grilled ox chop -24 oz -

Cochinillo a La Segoviana

Suckling pork segovia style

Cocido Madrileño

Madrid chickpea stew

Cordero Al Horno

Roasted lamb

Corvina Al Ajillo

Jewfish with garlic sautéed

Deditos De Pollo Con Patatas Fritas

Chicken fingers with fried potatoes

Enchilado De Langosta

Lobster in spicy tomato sauce

Entrecot a Caballo

Sirloin steak with fried eggs

Fabada Asturiana

Asturian whitebeans, w/jam, bacon, sausage and blood sausage

Lenguado a La Molinera

Dover sole with butter and lemon sauce

Lubina a La Plancha

Grilled striped sea bass

Mahi Mahi a La Pimienta Verde

Mahi mahi with green pepper sauce

Mar Y Tierra

Grilled tenderloin and lobster

Medallones De Solomillo Al Cabrales

Tenderloin medallions/cabrales cheese sauce

Navajas a La Plancha

Grilled razor clams

Paella De Langosta

- Lobster paella -minimo 2 raciones $33.00 por racion

Paella De Mariscos -No Lleva Acompañante-

Seafood paella- no side dish

Paella Valenciana-Seafood Paella and Chicken-

Minimo 2 raciones

Pargo Entero Frito

Whole fried snapper

Parrillada De Mariscos

Grilled seafood medley

Plato De Jamon Iberico

Plate of iberico ham

Plato De Jamón Iberico Jabugo 5 J

Plate of jabugo iberico ham 5 j

Pollo Al Ajillo

Chicken breast with garlic sautéed

Pulpo a La Gallega

Octopus with paprika and olive oil

Salmon en Salsa De Eneldo

Salmon with dill sauce

Sardinas a La Plancha

Grilled sardines

Secreto Iberico a La Parrilla

(Pure iberico bellota shoulder skirt (pork)

T-Bone Steak a La Parrilla

Grilled t-bone steak

Trucha a La Navarra

Trout stuffed with serrano ham

Zarzuela De Mariscos

Casserole seafood‏ in tomato sauce